Nadia Quinlan, RMT

Massage Therapist and FST Fascial Stretch Therapy

With years of clinical experience, Nadia Quinlan gently and effectively helps relieve chronic physical pain and helps patients regain their strength, flexibility, range of motion and vitality after injury or surgery. A student of Tom Myers thru Anatomy Trains, Nadia, uses her own body mechanics, and a unique spiraling technique to address specific problems with the most accuracy and least amount of tissue compression or discomfort. She works together with clients and as a team, they find simple and easy movement and posture solutions to a current body challenge. After bodywork sessions, clients often remark how they move differently, more comfortably, and feel a delightful sense of ease and joy in moving; a kind of “homecoming.”  

It was through her personnel journey of joint pain and lack of body movement, that Nadia has set upon her path of interest on health for both men and women and became curious how to maximize integrative functional and structural into massage therapy.  

Nadia passion is to help women and men, increase stability and mobility, overall strength, so that they may live a healthy pain-free lifestyle. 

When Nadia is not giving massage, she enjoys healthy cooking, being with her family, Fitness bodybuilding and long walks with her rescue dog, Zayna.